The One New Man Truth Vs. the Jew-Gentile Heresy

Описание к видео The One New Man Truth Vs. the Jew-Gentile Heresy

If your are a blood bought disciple of Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), then you are no longer a Gentile, according to Paul in Ephesians chapter two. Moreover, there is NO Gentile gate in the heaven on earth to come that the Bible refers to as the New Jerusalem, since Gentiles are not allowed there—only redeemed Israelites, which the Bible calls the one new man. Scripture clearly teaches that in the church the distinction between Jew and Gentile is gone, so do not refer to yourself as a Gentile, unless you want to go against the Truth of the Bible. This video explains this seldom taught biblical truth that the mainstream church blatantly overlooks. This is a truth that is bound to shake some people and, at the same time, spiritually empower others who have ears to hear what the Bible really says on the matter. Once again, the idea of the Jew-Gentile paradigm is another church tradition of men that has made of none effect the Word of Elohim (Mark 7:13).


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