Nordic youth voices – the right to be heard during crises, Mira (Sweden)

Описание к видео Nordic youth voices – the right to be heard during crises, Mira (Sweden)

”The university could’ve told us more”
Mira is 23 years old and started university in Sweden during the covid-19 pandemic. Mira believes that the university could have been clearer about whether the teaching would take place remotely or on site, which created uncertainty during everyday life. More and clearer information about student health would also have been appropriate.

In March 2020, several measures were applied with the aim to restrict the spreading of the virus. Universities switched to online learning, which lasted until the end of the spring semester 2021. Public events and meetings were restricted to 500 participants, and the number was later decreased to 50 and then 8 persons. Sports and recreational activities were put off or had to be performed outdoors alone or in smaller groups, and competitions were limited or cancelled until December 2020, with some changes in between.

Public services such as libraries, swimming halls and gyms and such were not affected by the crowd restrictions, even though safety measures were applied.

Status of school closures in Sweden during the covid-19 pandemic:
Early childhood education: open
Primary education: open
Secondary education: closed March 20 – June 20.
Adjusted operations during November 20, yet again closed December 20 - May 21
Higher education: closed March 20 – June 21

Read more about our project:

Description source:
State of the Nordic Region ( and Research in progress for The Nordic Welfare Centre, by a Consortium of The Finnish Youth Research Network ( and The Danish Center for Social Science Research (

#covid19 #NordicYouthParticipation #InnvolveYoungInCrises #NordicYouthVoices


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