Understanding Cataract Surgery: The Importance of the Crystalline Lens

Описание к видео Understanding Cataract Surgery: The Importance of the Crystalline Lens

And then if we look inside looking at the back of the eye there is this lens here and so this lens is called the crystalline lens lens and the crystalline lens is what is our autofocus system in our eyeball But basically that sits right behind the iris right there And the crystalline lens is what develops a cataract And developing a cataract is a natural process everyone will develop a cataract at some point in their life and this lens goes from being perfectly clear to getting a little bit cloudy with time and when that happens that is a cataract So in cataract surgery what the surgeon does is that they remove that lens and then they put in an acrylic lens And with that acrylic lens this is a very large version of that but it's much much smaller obviously And basically the acrylic lens has different features on it


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