Hope Ropes Episode 2 - Jessica Heals CFS, Anxiety, Hypothyroidism & Food Sensitivities.

Описание к видео Hope Ropes Episode 2 - Jessica Heals CFS, Anxiety, Hypothyroidism & Food Sensitivities.

In this episode Jessica Nava joins us from Houston, texas and tells her story of hope and healing. She has a background in healthcare where she worked as a certified nurse aid for 9 years, focusing on private care with children with disabilities. In 2011, while continuing her education as a Psychology major, she met her husband and eventually moved to England where they were married and had their beautiful daughter. She currently works full time for a relocation logistics company, but like many other self healers, feels a calling to pursue a career within the field of mind body healing. She is very passionate about supporting other self healers on their journey and is currently working on certifications to become a mindbody coach. Her recovery story includes healing from CFS, anxiety, panic attacks, severe brain fog, hormone imbalance, hypothyroidism and eventually Hashimotos. PEM, pain, food sensitivities and digestive issues.

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You can find her on Instagram @the_compassionate_observer

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