TUTORIAL Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation IBKR Pro: FOR BEGINNERS, How to Buy Shares with TWS

Описание к видео TUTORIAL Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation IBKR Pro: FOR BEGINNERS, How to Buy Shares with TWS

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Hi, for those looking to use the Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation which comes with the IBKR Pro account level, well today i’ll go through the basics of the platform so you can get a little more familiar.

At first, the platform is kind of intimidating. Not as easy as Saxo Trader, but is still a solid platform to use. It does give you more access to more options markets, and a larger selection of international stocks, so it's a great platform to have.

First thing you will have to do is download the Trader workstation onto your laptop or pc. Make sure to download the windows version if you have windows or the Mac version if you have a mac.
Go ahead and install that onto your computer.


Once it is downloaded, you will be asked to log in, just like you would for the client portal. If you have never logged in before, you will need the Interactive brokers app on your phone.

Honestly, the first time you do this is the hardest and if you need help, you can chat to customer support online.

Ok, I assume you have logged in and you hit this screen on your computer.

Now, this was just a beginners tutorial. If you want to know how to do anything advanced, like stop loss orders and other fancier trading styles, all this is just not what my investing style is like.
I just buy something. And that's about it.
I do have a selling put options tutorial for those interested, but it's not necessary. For 95% of investors, what I have shown you today is all you need to know.

It's a very simple platform to use once you have used it a few times.

Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss my future videos. Hit me up in the comments if you have a profitable company that has big upside potential and give me plenty of good reasons to investigate it.
The company that I placed an order for today, Judges scientific, was one of those companies that came from a comment. I made a video about the company for those of you who want to see that.

Thanks for staying to the end and I'll see you in the next video.


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