ShadCN’s Revolutionary New CLI

Описание к видео ShadCN’s Revolutionary New CLI

Shadcn is setting the new standard for vertically integrated component libraries. Not only can you get all the components you need, but the building blocks of a full application like a responsive sidebar and a login page. Plus it integrates with v0 to give you the AI-driven UI development of your dreams.

👉 ProNextJS Course:
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👉 Discord server signup:   / discord  
👉 VS Code theme and font? Night Wolf [black] and Operator Mono
👉 Terminal Theme and font? oh-my-posh with powerlevel10k_rainbow and SpaceMono NF

00:00 Introduction
01:39 Creating an app with Shadcn
03:35 Trying out our app
04:49 What are Shadcn blocks?
05:30 Adding a login UI
06:18 Linking the pages together
07:34 Theming Shadcn
08:46 The new Shadcn charts
10:18 Importing components from v0
11:37 Support for other frameworks
11:53 Outroduction


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