Explore the ISRS Refresh: Learn. Share. Excel.

Описание к видео Explore the ISRS Refresh: Learn. Share. Excel.

On behalf of the entire ISRS leadership team it is with great excitement that I share with you our newly rebranded and growing society!

Over the last year, we have met with stakeholders, members, sponsors and affiliates. Your input has helped us focus on developing our strategy and positioning in order to provide our member community with the greatest ongoing value, ensuring patients benefit from the highest quality standards of care and improved outcomes.

As an outcome of these efforts we present to you a refreshed ISRS, including a brand new identity and logo, along with a website which shares who we are and what makes us unique: interprofessionalism, innovation, education and inclusivity.

Added benefits for our members, sponsors & affiliates:
Annual and biennial member registration options
Academic membership
Comprehensive offering of educational courses and services to replace the ISRS Journal
Flexible and broad offering for corporate sponsors and affiliates

We welcome all our new members to the ISRS community and thank our existing members and sponsors for their continued partnership and support!

With kind regards,
Marc Levivier
President of ISRS

With more than 700 attendees, 50+ countries represented, 209 speakers and 18 exhibitors, we hope you join ISRS for our 2024 Congress in NYC, USA and become a member today: https://www.isrsy.org/en/membership_n...
Learn more: https://isrsy.org/en/
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