Understanding the Half-Pyramid Pattern of Numbers.

Описание к видео Understanding the Half-Pyramid Pattern of Numbers.

"Understanding the Half-Pyramid Pattern of Numbers"
When the user enters the number of rows, in this case 6, the program generates a right half-pyramid pattern of numbers. The outer loop iterates through each row, starting from 1 and continuing up to the user-specified number of rows. For each iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop prints the current row number (i) repeatedly, as many times as the row number itself. For example, in the first row, the number 1 is printed once; in the second row, 2 is printed twice; and this continues until the sixth row, where the number 6 is printed six times. After each row is printed, the program moves to the next line to start the next row. This process results in a triangular structure where the number of elements in each row corresponds to the row number, creating a right-angled triangle with the hypotenuse on the right side. For an input of 6, the program outputs a pattern with 6 rows, where each row contains the same number repeated according to its row number.

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