Russian Princess Olga Romanoff launches her biography | FULL FEATURE

Описание к видео Russian Princess Olga Romanoff launches her biography | FULL FEATURE

A hundred years ago, the October Revolution ended Romanov family rule over Russia, but their story didn’t end there. The book Princess Olga: A Wild and Barefoot Romanov is an account of events between then and now.

Princess Olga grew up, free to roam a 13th century, English country estate - so an invitation to the wild, hills of KwaZulu-Natal will have been music to her ears. She was here to spread word on her book and as guest of honour at the re launch of this lodge.

The lodge surrounds will have been inspiration to the Princess. Her new book is in part to fund renovations of her family home at Provender House.

Princess Olga calls herself ‘A Wild and Barefoot Romanov’ and she was happiest on a game drive. A mother of three and a grandmother, she has visited Cape Town for the wedding of her son but this was new territory.

The young Olga was educated at home by governesses but like most children preferred to be outside. To avoid homework she pretended to go to the bathroom, saddled up her pony and rode out on the estate.

Once seen as a potential bride for Prince Charles, she was far happier deciding for herself who would be on her dance card.

The life stories told by the Princess are so fascinating that her book was being read before the evening was even done. Friends were made and all look forward to her return.


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