How to play your first bongo solo: a lesson for beginners

Описание к видео How to play your first bongo solo: a lesson for beginners

This is Lesson 1 from the video "Learn to Solo on Bongos: A Step-By-Step Guide for Beginners" by Alan Dworsky. It's available at

The video is structured into 8 lessons, each focused on a set of licks that are combined into a variety of patterns and played with music. You'll learn the power of pairs, checkered voicing, the offbeat path, how to create the illusion of speed with a rippled 6, how to stick the landing, a bit about technique, and more. And the music never stops, so you can always play along.

The video comes with a PDF file that includes charts of all the patterns. The PDF file also gives you the pitches I tuned my bongos to in every lesson.

You can think of the licks and patterns in this video as being like words and phrases in your rhythmic vocabulary. The goal is for you to learn to put them together in your own way, so that when you solo on bongos--whether it's in a band or a jam or just playing along with your favorite music--you can say what you want to say.


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