Defeats Of My Favourite Cartoon Villains Part 4

Описание к видео Defeats Of My Favourite Cartoon Villains Part 4

"Well, it's a shame that you have to die, Lois, but look on the bright side. You'll be a story on the 6 o'clock news. You know, unless a local cat does something funny"-Diane Simmons
"Hello, Bart"-Slideshow Bob
"My name is Terra and I have done horrible things"-Terra
"You know you just can't win when your stuck between a rock and another rock"-Wile E. Coyote
"Soon, I shall destroy the last of you! And then rock-candy will become the main ingredient for smores, and other marshmallow-based deserts, like marshmallow cookie-pies, and some other things"-Big Rock-Candy Monster
"HA HA HA!"-Grey
"Stop copying me!"-Chi-Chi/Copycat
"Too long have I suffered living between you two ninnies but now, now! So as Dr negative I shall finally exact my exquisite revenge!"-Dr Negative
"HA HA HA!"-Big Nose/The little Man
"Hello, Stewart. Surprised to see me?"-Bertram


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