【東方】Touhou EDM Mix Reitaisai 21 (Extra Boss)

Описание к видео 【東方】Touhou EDM Mix Reitaisai 21 (Extra Boss)

This short mix was originally supposed to be a part of the Funky mix (    • 【東方】Touhou EDM Mix Reitaisai 21 (Funk...   ), but I ended up cutting it out due to how different and disjointed it felt. Varied genres and even more varied tempos make these tracks rather difficult to implement anywhere else, so they get their own section.

I was debating with myself whether to even publish this, as, honestly, the mixing can get kind of wack in some places IMO. In the end though, the audio was already mixed, and these are still tracks that I really like and wanted to showcase them, so here it is.

Audio was mixed in VirtualDJ, video was made in After Effects. BG image has been drawn by ‪@saturday1785‬ once again, who did an amazing job as usual.

Everything from this mix is still available in shops as of this video's posting. So if you're willing and able, please consider supporting the artists you like! Album list (in order of appearance) with links is below:

1. Moonlight Magic - Carats of the Moon ( https://touhoudb.com/Al/14581 )
2. じょべすたいる - U.N.Hard Remix Vol.2 ( https://touhoudb.com/Al/14582 )
3. ジェリコの法則 - Great Obliteration ( https://touhoudb.com/Al/14492 )
4. Cis-Trance - TOO NEGATIVE ( https://touhoudb.com/Al/16826 )
5. KodamaSoft - Gensokyo Party Vol. 5 VANTABLACK 2 ( https://touhoudb.com/Al/14729 )
6. Antares Enigma - What the Dead Say ( https://touhoudb.com/Al/14591 )
7. ビートハムカツレコーズ - 8bit Raver ( https://touhoudb.com/Al/14587 )
8. +TEK - Embodiment of Frequency Modulation ( https://touhoudb.com/Al/15716 )

#touhou #hardcore #arrange #music #mix


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