Final Fantasy 13: Part 8: The Glimmer Of A Dream

Описание к видео Final Fantasy 13: Part 8: The Glimmer Of A Dream

00:00 Starto
00:51 Gameplay

[Cut Scene}
25:40 l'Cie Boot Camp
26:27 Same
26:32 Made up mind
28:00 True
28:04 No coming back

[Bahamut Fight]
28:40 Summon #NotLettingItEndThatWay
30:15 Screen Shatter
31:28 Cringe
32:04 Screen Shatter x2
35:10 Cringe x2 (Didn't even libra)
35:35 -------- Getting ready for my bb (Buying contraceptives for this ass plowing I'm fixing to give)
41:36 Screen Shatter x3
43:54 That feeling when Bahamut calls you Daddy

[Cut Scene]
44:24 A New Path

45:07 The Apse

[Cut Scenes]
46:32 A Gate to Gran Pulse
47:15 Taking charge of our travel plans
47:28 Same
47:35 Borrowed time
47:54 Safe for the time being
48:32 Banger/ Banger x2
49:02 Bad choices and all/ #OffToHellWeGo
49:53 Title #TheTiniestSparkOfHopeThatWeCouldChangeOurFate

[Cut Scenes, But in Gran Pulse]
50:53 We Did It
51:40 Screams
52:40 Home Sweet Home
53:06 #AWorldWildAndFragileVibrantAndUntamed #NoSuchThingAsMercy
53:59 #ThePurposeLyingAtTheHeartOfAllTheFalCiesActions
54:59 Type shit
55:18 "I wonder what we'll end up creating
56:28 Pretty Strange Dream

[Terra Incognita] {Cut Scenes}
56:46 Vista Moment
57:03 Team Meeting
57:40 His Brand!!

57:50 Searching for Hope

[Cut Scenes]
1:16:03 Hope!!
1:16:41 So this is how it ends?
1:17:02 Oerba --The place it all began. #ThePlaceWhereThePulseFalCieLayDreaming
1:17:48 You've all taught me so much

[Alexander Fight] #SomeThingsYouJustDo (Hope is such a freakin Chad)
1:18:18 Summon
1:18:59 Ordeal or Gift
1:19:28 Screen Shatter x4
1:22:22 Cringe x3
1:23:01 Advancing Crystogenesis
1:25:05 Screen Shatter x5
1:27:27 Alexander more like Panhandler

1:27:56 Freer through Death or Slump Snapper
1:28:20 Gran Pulse Family
1:28:42 Decided
1:28:53 Banger x4 #TheSearchForAHomeBuriedInThePast #OurFinalJourneyHadJustBegun

[The Archylte Steppe] {Cut Scenes}
1:29:28 Going
1:29:52 Familiar Stone #DoomedToEternalRegret

1:31:27 Pond Scum
1:39:23 Cringe x4
1:45:18 Cringe x5 (GG Nothing after that)
Maybe I will end up a Cie'th. But until that happens, I'm gonna make Serah proud.

I couldn't bring myself to admit that this tear meant good-bye.
And that's why I kept searching for her.

What matters to me is that we protect Cocoon, whatever it takes!

If you don't have the nerve for it, I'll do it myself.
Go on alone, get stronger, and smash Cocoon out of the sky!

I'm fighting this Focus to the end. We all are.
So please...
Fight with us.

Whatever it is the fal'Cie want, we're the ones who decide what we do.

I'm done with their lies.
Fal'Cie, this whole Focus thing.
From here on out I use my eyes.
And act.

I might not make all the right choices.
But as long as I'm the one who decided what to do, there's nothing to regret.

All right. Let's do it!
I'm with you, bad choices and all!

But would bringing the Maker back into this world really lead to our salvation?

The Maker created fal'Cie...
...and they, in their desperation to be reunited with the Maker, created l'Cie.
And l'Cie? I wonder what we'll end up creating.

What I'm saying is, we did well just getting this far.

You know, if we don't find anything this time, we won't get another chance.

Just maybe... will be the place where we find the answers we're looking for.

But that's what scares me! I don't....
I don't want to see you get hurt because of me.
It would be better for everyone if I just stayed behind.

This is not an ordeal. This is a gift!

This is the kind of power you've got inside.
And it's telling you not to give up.
Trust me

You're never alone in hell.

Maybe nothing would change.
And maybe we'd hit a dead end.
But, we were at least going to see where the road would take us.

Come check out my stream. If I put a smiley face here will you do it?


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