What Are The Health Benefits Of Prunes? Leslie Bonci Discusses How Prunes Help Keep You Healthy.

Описание к видео What Are The Health Benefits Of Prunes? Leslie Bonci Discusses How Prunes Help Keep You Healthy.

Leslie Bonci (MPH, RD, CSSD, LDN), spokesperson for the California Dried Plum Board discusses the health benefits of dried plums (prunes), including improving digestive health and heart health. Dried plums (prunes) also have been shown to improve bone health and prevent osteoporosis. As a snack or recipe ingredient, dried plums are also a tasty addition to your everyday routine as a snack, or incorporated into baked goods and savory dishes alike. Dried plums are also beneficial in weight management.

Learn more about the health benefits of prunes here: https://californiaprunes.org/healthy-...

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