User Friendliness - Traditional Taxis vs E Hailing Taxis in Xiamen City / GE5228 Spatial Big Data

Описание к видео User Friendliness - Traditional Taxis vs E Hailing Taxis in Xiamen City / GE5228 Spatial Big Data

GE5228 Spatial Big Data and Analytics group project showcase

Tool Name: Difference of Spatial temporal Demand between Traditional Taxis and E Hailing Taxis and User Friendliness: A Case Study of Xiamen City

A study to determine:
E-hailing taxi demand distribution in different time period of the weekdays and the weekends
Difference between e hailing taxis and traditional taxis
Accessibility of taxis
The user friendliness of taxis at different time periods of the day considering the congestion index And how is that distributed spatially?

Credit: Chen Shuting , Fang Dingzhong , Jiang Yunxiao, Liu Yuyan , Tian Haoyu
Academic Year 2021-2022, Semester 1
Taught by: Dr Luo Wei

GE5228 is a programme elective module of the MSc in Applied GIS Programme under the Department of Geography, National University of Singapore

Find out more about the programme here:


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