It's Such a Beautuful Day - My favorite scene

Описание к видео It's Such a Beautuful Day - My favorite scene

There are so many great scenes in Don Hetzfeldt's It's Such a Beautiful Day that I love, but out of all of them, this one scene where Bill's head turns into a helium ballon and floats away into outer space as the narrator talks about death and dying, this one amazing scene stands out to me as the best of the bunch.

Seriously, if you haven't seen It's Such a Beautiful Day, what on earth are you waiting for? Be nice to yourself. Don't let it's simple animation style and minimalist presentation put you off. It's deep stuff. Some scenes actually made me cry. You know how some animated movies try to force an emotional response out of you? This is one of the problems I have with modern mainstream animated films. This movie doesn't force you to feel a certain way, it makes you feel a certain way without even trying. It has heart and soul and emotion without force-feeding it to you.

I cannot gush enough about this movie. It's amazing and if you have not seen it, please see it. Buy the blu-ray, buy it on Vimeo, but just buy it. You won't be sorry.


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