Women's Group Outdoor Exercise Classes in Bath at Zest Bootcamp over 40

Описание к видео Women's Group Outdoor Exercise Classes in Bath at Zest Bootcamp over 40

Zest was set up in Bath in 2009 to help women over 35 to find an enjoyable way to add regular exercise into their busy lives.

Our friendly, supportive community and the fact we are outdoors enjoying nature makes it and effective and fun way to get fit, strong and healthy.

Zita Alves has been a personal trainer for over 25 years and as an over 50 year old she understands how to support women going through peri-menopause and menopause and online classes are available alongside the classes in Bath to help more women feel great and have a Zest for life.

Why not book a trial week at https://www.zestbootcamp.co.uk

You can follow Zita on Instagram at   / fitnesszita  


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