Why I Moved to the West Coast | Beautiful British Columbia Canada | Top Places to See in BC

Описание к видео Why I Moved to the West Coast | Beautiful British Columbia Canada | Top Places to See in BC

#WhyIMovedToTheWestCoast #BeautifulBritishColumbiaCanada #TopPlacesToSeeInBC

Hey guys, welcome back to Dame Untamed!

In my latest YouTube video, I shared a huge announcement. For those of you who missed it, here’s the gist: I’ve packed up my life and as this video aires, I am driving from Ontario to Beautiful BC. Yay!! Can’t wait to share that journey with you guys in the coming weeks.

For now, I thought I’d focus on why I decided to move to the west coast. I’ve had the privilege of living in both Banff and Vancouver in the past, and there’s nothing quite like the Rocky Mountains. There’s something about vibes in the western provinces that seems a little more laid back that that of Ontario… more along the lines of how I want to live my life.

I’ve seen some of Canada’s most incredible lakes and waterfalls, experienced native wildlife, challenged myself with difficult hikes, dove in the icy waters off Vancouver Island and done all of the adventurous things… yet there is still so much more to see!

So, for the purposes of this video, I’m showcasing some of my experiences that lead to my undeniable love of Canada’s West Coast!

Thanks so much for watching these videos guys! Don’t forget to subscribe to stay up to date on my future adventures.



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