RING OF FIRE 🔥 - Plant Spotlight & Moss Pole Upgrade

Описание к видео RING OF FIRE 🔥 - Plant Spotlight & Moss Pole Upgrade

Hi all, we are back with a plant spotlight. Today's plant is Philodendron 'Ring of Fire' .... we are also upgrading the pole from a Grow Vertical 'Pro', to a 'Fatty Long'

Grow Vertical - Use discount code ‘SYDNEYPLANTGUY’ for 10% off any grow vertical supports: https://www.growvertical.shop/
If you are in Australia you can also get them from Growing Grounds:
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/growinggrou...
-Website: https://growingrounds.square.site/

📚learn more about:
Light:    • Let's talk about LIGHT - how to optim...  
Moss Poles:    • Moss Poles - Why? How? #tutorial  
Supports:    • CHOOSE THE BEST PLANT SUPPORT - moss ...  
Potting mix:    • POTTING MIX - all you need to know to...  
Watering Plants:    • MY WATERING ROUTINE - Part 1  
Conditions vs Care:    • CONDITIONS VS CARE - this concept cha...  

Mother Plant Spectrum 32:    • Let's talk about LIGHT - how to optim...  
Mother 'The Forest':    • BUILDING A 'FOREST' INSIDE MY BEDROOM...  
Mother Life Spectrum: https://www.mother.life/US/shop/linea...
to shop visit: https://www.mother.life/US/shop/plant...

💡Soltech (I use the Aspect & Vita):    • LET THERE BE LIGHT - reviewing & test...  
1. Visit the link: https://glnk.io/jljwy/15off7
2. You receive 15% off store wide using discount code 'Sydneyplantguy'

The plant nutrients I use (Growth Technology Australia Foliage Focus) are now available in the US:
Link: https://www.planthaulshop.com/store/p...
Use discount code 'Sydneyplantguy' for 10% off you first Growth Technology purchase ! If you are in Australia you can purchase GT from Growing Grounds: https://growingrounds.square.site/


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