Toxicology - The National Emergency Medicine Board Review Course

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The National Emergency Medicine Board Review was created for one reason - to assist physicians in passing their exams. This objective drives the content of the course. The focus is on "bread and butter" emergency medicine that is neither controversial nor "leading edge." You won't hear anything about the specifics of whether TPA should or should not be given for strokes, but rather your valuable time will be focused on the core content of emergency medicine.

You'll find emphasis on important topics that you may not routinely encounter in day-to-day emergency care, but which are still "must know" for the exams, including - toxicology syndromes, pediatric rashes, recognition of specific stroke presentations, EKG manifestations of WPW and the Brugada syndrome, the distinctions between botulism and Guillian Barre presentations, the significance of the acute chest syndrome in sickle cell crisis and hundreds of other important topics.

In addition to the unique content and emphasis of this course, a pool of particularly effective educators teaches it. Each faculty member has extensive experience at lecturing in CME medicine courses in general and has specific experience in teaching the NEMBR course. Each understands the goals of the course and is committed to providing presentations that are highly focused, energetic and entertaining. Each brings his or her own unique style to the course while delivering a standardized presentation orchestrated by the course directors.

And finally, the course manual is truly unique - large print, bulleted key points, shortened narratives, well indexed and easily reviewed and accompanied by an 43-page, full color atlas of "Need-to-Know" pictures.


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