Tension Headache Relief Deep Relaxation with Delta Wave Isochronic Tones

Описание к видео Tension Headache Relief Deep Relaxation with Delta Wave Isochronic Tones

This Tension Headache Relief track uses 1-2Hz delta wave stimulation, to help provide relief for muscle contraction headaches. You can listen to this as often as you need it.

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What does this track do?

This track uses isochronic tones in the low delta frequency range (1 to 2Hz), to help calm and destress your mind down to a more relaxed mental state.

How does it work?

This is a brainwave entrainment audio session using isochronic tones combined with a relaxing ambient music track and low-level smoothed brown noise. The isochronic tones are the repetitive beats you can hear on top of the soundtrack throughout the track.

► If you are new to this type of audio brainwave entrainment, find out how isochronic tones work and how they compare to binaural beats here: http://www.mindamend.com/brainwave-en....

To add further power to the stimulation, amplitude modulation effects have been applied to the ambient music and brown noise. The modulations produce soothing vibrations that are synced with the isochronic tones. More info on how these mind music effects work here: https://goo.gl/5KS2Ek.

How should you listen to this?

Ideally, listen to this in a calm and quiet environment. If you are listening during the and want to stay awake, I recommend sitting in a comfortable upright position.

Suitable for sleeping to

As this track uses delta wave frequencies that are often dominant during deep sleep, you can use this track to help you relax and get to sleep faster. If you wake up with a headache during the night, it's also useful for helping you return back to sleep more quickly.


Headphones are not required for this session/video.


Adjust the volume to a level you feel comfortable with.

® Copyright MindAmend.com


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