Query Calculation | MS Access |Access sinhala | Data Base |2023 | (clear explanation)

Описание к видео Query Calculation | MS Access |Access sinhala | Data Base |2023 | (clear explanation)

Hi friends ,
this video about MS ACCESS create query calculation.MS ACCESS is an essential part of using a computer. This videos easy to understanding for students and others who are studying today. we look forward to bringing you this lesson step by step. not only Sinhala, English words make it easy for others to understand. this video tutorial explains important of ACCESS step by step.

key words
ms access ,create table, access sinhala, data base ,data base sinhala, sinhala access, access sinhala tutorial, step by step access, relationship , data management , data types, primary key, foreign key, composite key, create report ,query, query design , data sheet , design view, create form
access basic,ont to one ,one to many , many to many, query calculation,

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