New Moon in Libra 19 October, 2017 | Gregory Scott Astrology

Описание к видео New Moon in Libra 19 October, 2017 | Gregory Scott Astrology

This New Moon in Libra appears on Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 20:11 BST. This marks the end of the previous Virgo New Moon cycle and the beginning of the Libra New Moon cycle which will last for the month of November 2017!

This is a wonderful New Moon all about romance, love, relationships and embracing your own unique and loveable self!

The Weekly Horoscope for October 16 - 22, 2017:    • Weekly Horoscope for October 16 - 22 ...  

Visit for private horoscope, tarot and numerology readings.

With love and light, Gregory

#horoscope #libra #astrology #newmoon #moon


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