Bridges-2 Webinar: Utilizing Bridges-2 for Deep Learning Distributed Training

Описание к видео Bridges-2 Webinar: Utilizing Bridges-2 for Deep Learning Distributed Training

During this webinar, we will show examples of how to deploy multi-GPU training for deep learning applications, such as with Pytorch and Tensorflow frameworks, using Bridges-2. Planned topics include how to modify the code to run training on a single node or multiple nodes, set up the environment, run jobs with either interactive mode, batch job, and Jupyter notebook, and discuss various factors that affect the performance.

About the presenter
Mei-Yu Wang acquired her Ph.D. in astrophysics from University of Pittsburgh. Her doctoral research focused on developing novel probes for studying dark matter. She did postdoctoral research in studying dark matter and the Milky Way at the Texas A&M University and Carnegie Mellon University before she joined the HPC AI and Big Data Group group at PSC in 2022. Her primary roles now include addressing support requests and developing tests and benchmarking for the Neocortex system and the Open Compass project.


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