2023 BF4 Movement Guide In 5 Minutes

Описание к видео 2023 BF4 Movement Guide In 5 Minutes

Discord - Apathyy#0069
Settings - 400dpi, 28 in game, 117% ads. Res - 1920x1440

Script for tts :P
Hi nerds, welcome to the only bf4 movement tutorial you'll ever need.
Unless we find new tricks to use. Firstly you'll need to set up your keybinds correctly.
Also my crouch key is set to "c" so the shown input on screen will not show it.
Make sure your crouch press, prone hold key is set to any key as you'll need this later.

How to bhop.
When running and jumping normally you will loose momentum and slow down.
To prevent this you will have to let go of all movement keys wasd while in mid air.

How to strafe.
While jumping round corners do not hold "a" "d" keys like you would in other games.
Its more simple in bf4. Just Keep holding your w. key and turn your mouse in the direction you would like to strafe too.

How to jump slide.
Jump slide will keep your momentum when landing from your jump making you slide.
When landing from your jump. Dont hold any movement keys as this will make you loose all momentum. Just jump and let go off your movement keys.
You can also stop the feature that makes your sight go up and down after a jump. To do this just switch weapons in mid air and ads immediately.

How to zouzou.
A zouzou is a movement trick that bugs your player model by making it look like your prone but actually your standing up.
Firstly make sure you find a non destructable corner to jump around then. just switch weapons in mid air and ads immediately and shoot as soon as possible.
Also make sure you don't crouch as this will cancel the animation.

How to vouzou.
A vouzou or slither is where you will slide across the floor at high speeds like a snake. This trick will make it look like you teleported on other players screens.
To do a voo zoo. Find a vaultable object or railing and run it at an angle. Then jump as you get close and switch weapons at the same time. Then flick away making you fly forward.

How to mouzou.
To mow zoo or med pack slide just throw the med pack at the right angle and jump forward. This will
make you slide forward just like the slither. This movement tech can be quite hard to do for your first time. Just practise the angle and you'll be a slither pro in no time at all.

How to rouzou.
Just like the moo zoo and voo zoo this tech will make you slide forward but can be done on solid walls.
To do this trick make sure you have your crouch press, prone hold key binded. Then just run close to the wall and hold this key down and flick away.

How to mario jump.
This tech will launch you high in the air.
To do this trick just throw down a medpack (the big one) in front of a vaultable object like i do. Then run and press jump like your vaulting over the medpack.

Hope you found this video useful. Now go into your locker servers and make those 40 year old dads mad. Love you RXT_FPS.


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