L7: SLIs SLOs and SLAs

Описание к видео L7: SLIs SLOs and SLAs

When we build reliable computer systems, we need a language to describe how reliable our system is, how reliable it is expected to be, and what we will do when it fails to meet expectations. This video explains the language distributed systems designer use to talk about reliability.

One correction: On the "Setting your SLO" slide it should read "SLO is greater than reaction time"[1]. It would be silly to have your SLO be shorter than the time it takes you to react. :-)

[1] Thanks to Mihailo Bjelic for spotting this bug! (Apparently I'm not allowed to put a greater than sign in my video description. YouTube no longer lets you annotate a video directly. Oh well.)

See http://www.distributedsystemscourse.com for more information about this series, the class project, and links to slides.


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