PSVR2 Sale - Best Prices Since Launch! (see description for updates)

Описание к видео PSVR2 Sale - Best Prices Since Launch! (see description for updates)

UPDATE: The deal in this video ended August 6, 2024, one day before the scheduled release of the PC adapter.


If you've been thinking about getting a PSVR2 now is as good a time as there's ever been. There's a discount of about $200 on most major retailer websites (although, interestingly, not on Sony's official site... 🤔).

Sony is probably running this deal now to promote the upcoming launch of their PC adapter next week:

If you already own a PS5 and have been thinking about trying out VR, then this is a great deal. With the upcoming adapter, you'll have access to both the PSVR2 and SteamVR game libraries.


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