Tales of Symphonia Regal Solo: Celsius [No Items/Mania/No Damage]

Описание к видео Tales of Symphonia Regal Solo: Celsius [No Items/Mania/No Damage]

Even though it's a 1 minute fight where I'm overleveled, this fight took me about a week to get. This is one of the most frustrating fights I've ever done on this channel T_T

Game Modifications:
-Modified the party

For this fight, I have the Garnet equipped to give my attacks the fire element to hit their weakness. This boosts my damage by a lot. I also have Elven Boots equipped for mobility.

The main reason why this fight is so hard is because of Celsius's faithful dog Fenrir. This dog basically makes it so that this fight has 0 consistency whatsoever. Fenrir has everything that makes an enemy annoying: anti-airs that can catch even Regal's double jumps, mobility, range, stupid hitboxes, decent stagger resistance, an attack that makes him unstaggerable during the duration, and even a unique AI quirk that makes him more obnoxious. The AI quirk is related to his attack where he kicks up ice to attack. If he has this attack queued, sometimes he'll just free-run all over the place and it can be ridiculously difficult to lock him down. This is a huge problem in a fight where attack windows can be hard to come by and it makes the fight very inconsistent.

Celsius is also quite difficult to deal with, but at least she's consistent. She'll always start with Shattering Roar, which can give me an opportunity to hit Fenrir at the start (provided that Fenrir doesn't use a few specific attacks or run towards the Shattering Roar). She has a kick attack that has a long/wide hitbox, a near instant start-up Beast, and an instant start-up Swallow Dance. Pair these attacks with a pretty high movement speed and Celsius is actually a big threat. Additionally, one of the biggest hurdles of the fight has to do with her spell: Freeze Lancer. If I'm too far away from Celsius, she will opt to cast Freeze Lancer instead of going melee. Freeze Lancer is almost impossible to dodge if I'm anywhere in front of Celsius in the arena since the homing is just that strong. I have to either get very close to her or jump behind her to dodge this spell and it's not easy because it has a low cast time as well. Unfortunately, there are a lot of situations where Fenrir's jumping attacks force me to move far away from Celsius which cause her to cast Freeze Lance which in turn causes me to die. Fenrir is amazing at making space for Celsius and it can lead to a lot of situations where I'm checkmated by Freeze Lancer.

So the strategy I decided to use to deal with these two is essentially just a blitz strategy. The strat is to use Eagle Rage or Crescent Moon-Eagle Rage to chip away at Fenrir's HP right after baiting out an attack from Celsius; basically making use of the time where Celsius is in an attack animation to attack Fenrir. While this is probably the best strategy for fighting these two (I don't think it's possible to survive in a no damage scenario for an extended period of time), it is also very RNG dependent. Like I mentioned earlier, Fenrir has the ability to free-run to random places so if he gets an opportunity to move during my offense (he will almost always get opportunities), he can run away and make it difficult to find attack windows. Fenrir also has three attacks where he can curl up into a ball and roll or jump around to deal damage. These attacks have a tell since he'll walk instead of run before he uses the attack. Unfortunately, this strategy involves me being in close proximity to Fenrir so I can't tell whether he's walking or running before his attack. I actually managed to dodge two of these attacks in this run which was rather lucky. One of the jump attacks has him jump high into the air and then come down at a diagonal angle which will ruin any run. The anti-air jump attack can be dodged by jumping in place if I'm at max distance from the attack or moving backwards but these will usually result in me getting killed by Celsius. The roll attack at 0:24 makes him unstaggerable (for melees at least) and the attack has a huge AOE, so it can counter shallow jumps and Eagle Rage attempts. The jump attack at 0:27 can be dodged by jumping over him before the start of the attack starts (it will anti-air me if I do it after the attack has started). I can also dodge it by jumping backwards but that will usually get me killed by Freeze Lancer since it creates so much distance from Celsius if I'm jumping away from her.

I'm not sure how much sense I really made with this description since I don't really know how to describe this fight properly but hopefully you get a sense for how annoying it is at least lmao. Just know that Fenrir is now my least favorite enemy in Tales of Symphonia :)

Battle Penny from Pokémon Masters EX


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