PTRD-41: full disassembly & assembly

Описание к видео PTRD-41: full disassembly & assembly

The PTRD-41 (Shortened from Russian, ProtivoTankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova;Противотанковое однозарядное ружьё системы Дегтярёва образца 1941 года;"Degtyaryov Anti-Tank Rifle") was an anti-tank rifle produced and used from early 1941 by the Soviet Red Army during World War II. It was a single-shot weapon which fired a 14.5×114mm round. Although unable to penetrate the frontal armor of German tanks, it could penetrate the thinner sides of early-war German tanks as well as thinly armored self-propelled guns.

How a PTRD-41 works
   • How a PTRD-41 works  

Don't try to recreate what you see in this video, as this is gameplay. This video was created using the game World of Guns:
This game is also available on Google Play, App Store, Amazon and other platforms.


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