Mean Street - Van Halen Guitar Cover

Описание к видео Mean Street - Van Halen Guitar Cover

I've recorded all guitars in this video, and used the original isolated tracks from the rest of the band.

This is one of the trickiest songs by Van Halen, in big part because of the intro (very fast percussive tapping and harmonics), the swing in the rhythm of the solo part, the big bend at the beginning of the solo, etc... All trademarks of Eddie's fantastic playing!

I attempted to recreate his tone by using Mercuriall Spark amp simulation, plus an Impulse Response by Ownhammer (loaded via Scuffham S-Gear), and a lot of EQ to boost mids and highs. All of that is shown at the end of the video. The guitar is an original 1987 Kramer Baretta with a Gibson Tim Shaw humbucker pickup.

Hope you enjoy it!


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