Is This Astromon Good? - Loki | Monster Super League

Описание к видео Is This Astromon Good? - Loki | Monster Super League

The greatest trickster.

Anyway, this series will be for the newer players that are still unsure of the potential an Astromon may have. We see the "is blank Astromon good?" question everywhere all the time, so I think it would be really good to go through as many as possible to help those people out.

I won't be going the elitist route either. No "if you don't use blank you're doing it wrong". Definitely not. I believe you should use the mons you love most and that almost every mon has it's use somewhere. It's all about figuring out WHERE they're useful.

Discord: Barry#1765
Twitter:   / barrylancaster_  
Twitch:   / thecrystalflaffy  


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