Tax Planning and Investigations

Описание к видео Tax Planning and Investigations

Churchill Tax are one of the UK’s leading tax advisers and tax investigation specialists. Our team of experts includes very experienced Chartered Tax Advisers and Senior Ex-HMRC inspectors. Some of the areas that they cover include the following:

Tax Planning
Inheritance Tax
Capital Gains Tax Relief
Let Property Campaign
Worldwide Disclosure Campaign (WDF)
Property Incorporation
Tax Advice
Serious Fraud Investigations
Code of Practice (COP) 9 Investigations and Contractual Disclosure Facility (CDF)
Code of Practice (COP) 8 Investigations
Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) investigations and confiscations
VAT investigations
Criminal investigations
PAYE Investigations
Tax Fraud Investigations

If you have any comments/feedback on the cases discussed in this video or need help with any of the above, please contact us on 03300 577106 or visit our website on


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