Jester Bothers the Plank King

Описание к видео Jester Bothers the Plank King

A trickster domain Cleric with a Sending Spell is TOO POWERFUL. Jester continues her quest to randomly pop into the heads of old acquaintances.
Being the leader of an island of pirates will not protect you.
Much to our delight.

Footage from Critical Role Campaign 2 Episode 89: "Lingering Wounds"

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Critical Role now also has their own youtube and twitch channels.
youtube:    / @criticalrole  
twitch:   / criticalrole  

Full episodes of Critical Role can be watched on Geek and Sundry's youtube channel, also.
New episodes can be watched live Thursdays at 7:00PM PDT on Geek and Sundry's twitch channel and on project alpha. It also airs live on youtube and Critical Role's new twitch channel.
Episodes are added permanently to youtube on Mondays (noon PDT).


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