Does Rock Dust Work to Add Minerals to Your Garden and Improve Soil Texture?

Описание к видео Does Rock Dust Work to Add Minerals to Your Garden and Improve Soil Texture?

I talk about gravel screenings from a rock quarry to remineralize your depleted soil. Along with rock dust, you can to encourage biology with compost to break down the rock and convert it into a form your plants can use. Adding humic acid to your rock dust can chelate or convert them into their reduced form that plants can use.

Good soil is made up of a balance of sand, silt, and clay sized particles known as loam. If you have clay soil, adding rock dust with a mixture of sand and silt sized particles will convert your soil into a more loam like texture for better root and plant development.

Minerals in rock dust

Silicon SiO2 - 42.6%
Aluminum Al2O3 - 12.9%
Iron Fe2O3 - 14%
Calcium CaO - 13%
Magnesium MgO - 7.8%
Phosphorus P2O5 - 1.8%
Sodium Na2O - 1.76%
Potassium K2O - 1.15%
Titanium - TiO2 - 0.7%
Manganese MnO - 0.25%
Chlorine Cl- - 0.10%
Sulfur SO3 - 0.07%
Chromium Cr2O2 - 0.009%

Suggested application rate
0.15 lb per sq ft
19 lb per 50 ft bed (125 sq ft)

Good related video
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