Ben Browder's STARGATE Trip to the Arctic (Dial the Gate)

Описание к видео Ben Browder's STARGATE Trip to the Arctic (Dial the Gate)

STARGATE: CONTINUUM offered the cast and crew of Stargate SG-1 the chance to make history, filming on location at the A.P.L.I.S. research station on an ice floe in the Arctic. It was the northernmost film shoot ever, hundreds of kilometers north of Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. And it was thanks to a Stargate fan named Barry Campbell, who was Head of Operations for the U.S. Navy's Arctic Submarine Laboratory in San Diego.

In this clip from Dial the Gate's interview with "Cameron Mitchell" actor Ben Browder, Campbell stops by to surprise Ben and reminisce about their incredible shared experience, working in the extreme cold, and playing in the snow with co-star Amanda Tapping.

This clip is from Dial the Gate's full-length, 65-minute conversation with Ben. Watch the full interview here:    • 249: Ben Browder, "Cameron Mitchell" ...  

★ Stargate: Continuum:
★ Cameron Mitchell (Omnipedia):

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"Stargate," "Stargate SG-1," "Stargate: Continuum," and all related materials are owned by MGM Studios and MGM Television. The "Dial the Gate" theme is composed by Neal Acree.

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