Cavalry Scout - Career Overview - 19D - US Army

Описание к видео Cavalry Scout - Career Overview - 19D - US Army

This video gives an overview about a day in the life of a Cavalry Scout (MOS 19D) in the United States Army. Cavalry Scouts handle reconnaissance and gather information. They do a lot of patrols. During their career, they can be deployed anywhere, including overseas.

Cavalry Scout (19D) entry requirements:
United States Citizen
17 to 34 years old
High School Diploma
ASVAB Score: 77 Combat (CO)

Cavalry Scout (MOS 19D) Advanced Individual Training (AIT) is 22 weeks long, and is located in Missouri. It covers a bunch of skills, including navigation, tracking, and reporting. Cavalry Scouts (19D) do One Station Unit Training (OSUT), which means basic training and AIT is combined into one course.

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