Bonanza Peak from Bonanza North Trailhead, Cold Creek, Nevada

Описание к видео Bonanza Peak from Bonanza North Trailhead, Cold Creek, Nevada

Bonanza Peak from Bonanza North Trailhead, Cold Creek, Nevada | Visit

1955 CIA Plane Crash on Mt. Charleston is mentioned in this video. See the story, pictures and video tribute at this link: Tribute begins at 37:14.

Bonanza Peak Summit from Cold Creek is an 8-mile round trip compared to the approximately 28+-mile round trip from Lee Canyons Lower Bristlecone Pine Trailhead. The main challenge is driving the 3-mile unpaved 4WD or high-centered vehicle road from Cold Creek to the trailhead. The overall ascent is about 3,000ft. along a well-established and maintained trail. As you stand at the trailhead, be sure to look carefully for a beautiful arch in the rocky areas above at the summit of the Spring Mountains Ridgeline.

You’re in a beautiful pine forest the entire way becoming predominantly ancient Bristlecone Pines during the final 1,000ft elevation gain to the summit. Though you’re in the forest, there are spectacular views toward the Sheep Range to the East as you ascend switchbacks along the slope to the upper ridgeline. Once on the ridgeline watch for views to the West of Pahrump, the Nopah and Resting Spring ranges, the Funeral Mountains, Death Valley area and the Panamint Range. Jean-Luc Montagnier, author and former director of a National Park in the French Alps offers some insight into the life and geology of the region along with edible plants to be found in an emergency survival situation.

The excellent trail approaches the base of the Spring Mountains Northern ridgeline. There numerous switchbacks ascend to the upper ridgeline. Expansive views quickly open up below and to the East along with views of the destination, Bonanza Peak.

The trail arrives at the summit of the upper ridgeline where it turns left (South) leveling somewhat along a saddle. From the ridgeline summit views open to the West as far as Telescope Peak in the Panamint Range on the West side of Death Valley.

After about a quarter mile the ascent and switchbacks resume for the remaining 4-500ft to the summit of Bonanza Peak. The final quarter-mile approach to the peak is a split to the left marked only with a cairn that may or may not be there when you’re on the trail. If you were to go straight at that cairn rather than summiting Bonanza Peak you’re looking at a 14-mile trek to one of the Bristlecone Pine Trailheads in Lee Canyon. Incidentally, that stretch is spectacular and pristine with a number of great backpack camping spots along the way, and an approach to McFarland Peak.

But for today, we take the left split to Bonanza Peak Summit where a good portion of the Mt. Charleston Wilderness can be seen including Charleston Peak, Lee Peak, Mummy Mountain, Griffith Peak and Angel Peak, Mack’s Peak and McFarland Peak. The Sheep Range is in full display to the East and Panamint Range to the West along with better views of the reference points already mentioned in those directions.

From Bonanza Peak we return to our starting point at the North Bonanza Trailhead for today’s spectacular 8-mile round trip!


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