Delusional Canopy (by ABuffZucchini) Full Clear Golden

Описание к видео Delusional Canopy (by ABuffZucchini) Full Clear Golden

Okay so this was something

When I started this I was just like "yea this'd be cool to do" and then I proceeded to tank anything that made this harder. I could not possibly count to you how many deaths I had just because of mindblock, but on berry 4 I had like 10 golden deaths because of it.

I didn't look at the hour count since starting this golden because I was like "what's the point" so seeing that be double my 7bg time was very funny
(Also yes this is a jump from 7bg which was a jump from 6cg so my top 3 are these 3 goldens lmao)

Surprisingly I only started getting frustrated somewhere after my final room death, which was like 5 hours before I got the golden and that frustration was mostly because I couldn't focus because of my family being loud (:catplush:) so ig I'm just that cracked at having fun :D

Also if you're confused about me grabbing without pressing grab (and the other way around) I use invert grab

Thanks to my irl friend for the thumbnail idea :3

Anyway writing descriptions is impossible so baii



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