Radiohead (01/10) - 2. Bodysnatchers / Subterranean Homesick Alien / Nude / Exit Music

Описание к видео Radiohead (01/10) - 2. Bodysnatchers / Subterranean Homesick Alien / Nude / Exit Music

Track 2 of 10 of the Radiohead 01/10 superalbum, consisting of Bodysnatchers (0:00), Subterranean Homesick Alien (03:54), Nude (08:16) and Exit Music (For a Film) (12:22).

While the theory states each song should have a 10 second crossfade, in many of the songs it doesn't always sound the best. So for these recordings I have built upon this and simply mixed them in a way I think sounds better, how I would listen to the songs.

Note: It is possible for Paranoid Android to flow into Bodysnatchers, as the very last two notes of PA correspond with the two upbeat notes at the beginning of Bodysnatchers. However, I've not done this as it would've given me a 25 minute track 1, and I wouldn't have been able to upload it.


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