Emmylou Harris ~ "Today I Started Loving You Again"

Описание к видео Emmylou Harris ~ "Today I Started Loving You Again"

Thirteen is a 1986 Emmylou Harris album. The title came from its status as her thirteenth studio album (if one does not count her 1969 first album, released on an independent label, which Harris herself rarely acknowledges).

Seven of the album's ten cuts are cover songs. The three "original" songs were all co-writes with Paul Kennerley, "Sweetheart of the Pines", "When I Was Yours", and "I Had My Heart Set on You" (co-written by Rodney Crowell, who performed on the album). The seven covers are as follows.

"Today I Started Loving You Again is a cover of Merle Haggard's 1968 epic standard, which unfathomably had only been a non-charting B-side to his #1 hit song "The Legend of Bonnie and Clyde".

Låtskrivere: Bonnie Owens, Merle Haggard

Mike Bowden - bass
Steve Cash - harmonica
Rodney Crowell - backing vocals
Steve Fishell - steel guitar, slide guitar, resonator guitar
Vince Gill - backing vocals
Carl Jackson - mandolin, fiddle, banjo, acoustic guitar, backing vocals
Don Johnson - keyboards
Shane Keister - synthesizer
Mary Ann Kennedy - backing vocals
Paul Kennerley - acoustic guitar
Mark O'Connor - fiddle
Frank Reckard - mandolin, electric guitar, acoustic guitar
Pam Rose - backing vocals
Buddy Spicher - fiddle
Barry Tashian - backing vocals, accordion
Steve Turner - drums, percussion
Paul Worley - acoustic guitar
Emmylou Harris - vocals, acoustic guitar #EmmylouHarris #TodayIStartedLovingYouAgain #HonkyTonk #CountryClassic #RonjasCountryMusic #CountryMusic #GuriMalla2010


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