Umer Ibn Al Khattab Ep45 | How Did Hazrat Umar Conquer Iran? | Era of Omer RA | Tareekh

Описание к видео Umer Ibn Al Khattab Ep45 | How Did Hazrat Umar Conquer Iran? | Era of Omer RA | Tareekh

634-644 – Islamic Empire under 'Umar. The state then expanded dramatically under the leadership of 'Umar. Lands claimed under his rule include the entirety of the Levant, most of modern Iran, slight expansion into present-day Turkmenistan, and entry into the northern coast of Africa in present-day Egypt and Libya.

Umar's caliphate is notable for its vast conquests, aided by brilliant field commanders, he was able to incorporate present day Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, and part of Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and south western Pakistan into the Caliphate.

It was a fascinating time! Hazrat Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, was known for his wise leadership and strategic decision-making.

In terms of politics, Hazrat Umar established a strong system of governance. He implemented the concept of consultation (Shura) and appointed capable governors to oversee different regions. This helped in efficient administration and ensuring justice for all.

On the military front, Hazrat Umar led and supported various conquests that expanded the Islamic empire. One of the notable conquests was the Persian Empire. Under his leadership, the Muslim forces achieved significant victories and brought Persia under Islamic rule. This conquest not only expanded the territory but also spread the message of Islam to new lands.

Another significant conquest was the capture of Egypt. Hazrat Umar appointed Amr ibn al-As as the commander, and the Muslim forces were able to successfully conquer Egypt, bringing it under Islamic rule. This conquest opened up new trade routes and strengthened the Islamic empire.

The conquest of the Levant, which includes modern-day Syria, Palestine, and Jordan, was also a major achievement during Hazrat Umar's era. The Muslim forces, led by Khalid ibn al-Walid, were able to defeat the Byzantine forces and establish Islamic rule in the region.

These conquests not only expanded the Islamic empire but also allowed for the spread of Islamic teachings, cultural exchange, and the establishment of a just and fair governance system.

I hope this gives you a more detailed understanding of the politics and military conquests during Hazrat Umar's era! Let me know if you have any more questions or if there's anything else you'd like to discuss.

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