Civilization 7 - Ages, Transitions & HOW TO WIN!

Описание к видео Civilization 7 - Ages, Transitions & HOW TO WIN!

Civilization 7's biggest change is THE AGES - Antiquity, Exploration & Modern. Here we discuss the three ages in civ 7 and what makes an age unique. Then the age transitions, how to progress through an age, crisis events, and changing civs. Finally, we'll talk the path to victory - how to win civ 7. Divided into age-related milestones (age-based goals) across four categories (science, culture, military, and economic), civ 7 takes a step away from civ 6 - probably the greatest civ 6 vs civ 7 change! Here, we believe the legacy paths act as objectives, and each milestone will progress the age and provide you with some legacy points. These points are spent through an age transition, unlocking more options & benefits for the next age.

Thanks for watching this Civilization 7 guide - an early civ 7 tutorial of sorts, focused on the ages. #civilization7 #civ7 #civilization #civ #civ6

0:00 - Civ 6 vs Civ 7 - The Biggest Change
0:25 - What Defines The Ages? Antiquity, Exploration & Modern
2:15 - Age Transitions: Civ Swaps, Crisis & Progression
5:16 - Victory & Legacy Paths in Civilization 7
8:42 - Brining it all Together, for Victory!

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