Alliance Challenger VS Deadly Federal Corvette - Elite Dangerous

Описание к видео Alliance Challenger VS Deadly Federal Corvette - Elite Dangerous

Alliance Challenger hull tank build with 4 multi-cannons (grade 2 sturdy mod) and 3 seeker missile racks (grade 3 increased ammo mod). The hull reinforcements have grade 4 heavy duty mods. Works pretty well but does poor damage against shields. Definitely an agile and fast ship with fantastic turn rate while also having extreme hull armour. The firepower isn't the greatest but that might change with overcharged multi-cannons, potentially with one of them firing incendiary rounds. Sturdy weapons are great however, because so far they have never malfunctioned or been destroyed in any battle even at grade 2. The increased projectile penetration is pretty useful but only against heavily armoured ships where the increased penetration makes a difference. Over all I think it's a fantastic ship, this current build needs slightly more firepower, specifically thermal damage in order to deal with shields. The ship will also perform better once the mods get a higher grade, rather than being at grade 2 like they are now. It's a very promising ship for sure.

Intro music: Hoag's object (Elite: Dangerous soundtrack)


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