Mass Wearable Sensor Deployment: Research Insights through Application

Описание к видео Mass Wearable Sensor Deployment: Research Insights through Application

The Spaulding National Running Center, directed by Dr. Irene Davis, has been utilizing wearable sensor technologies across a variety of in-lab research domains for almost a decade, with a focus on running biomechanics and injury. The center also incorporates these technologies into their clinical workflow during assessment and gait retraining. Using the expertise gained through extensive lab and clinic integration of wearable devices, the SNRC has also conducted large-scale data collections in the real world including the Boston Marathon and NCAA collegiate basketball.

During this webinar, you will hear from current members of the SNRC research team who aim to provide practical insights learned from their recent works. This will include applications where large-scale sensor deployment was required and also measurement validations that are critical for data integrity of this kind.

About Dr Julie Burland
Julie Burland, PhD is a post-doctoral fellow with the Spaulding National Running Center. Julie’s background is in the evaluation and recovery of neuromuscular function and psychosocial factors influencing post-operative and return to sport outcomes following ACL reconstruction. Julie’s current interests are focused on evaluating the relationship between cumulative impact load and biomarkers related to joint health in team sports. The aim of Julie’s research is to improve monitoring strategies to identify athletes at risk for lower extremity injuries.

About Jereme Outerleys
Jereme Outerleys is the Lab Manager and Engineer with the Spaulding National Running Center. Jereme applies an engineering skillset and extensive technical and analytical experience in biomechanics to leverage emerging technologies to tackle applied biomechanical problems. His interest is driven by incorporating lab and evidence-based biomechanical research to develop better tools and insights for clinical decision making.

About Dr Caleb Johnson
Caleb Johnson, PhD is a post-doctoral fellow with the Spaulding National Running Center. Caleb’s background is in musculoskeletal injury prevention in military populations and the application of perceptual-motor control to injury prevention and human performance. His current interests center on identifying risk factors for running-related musculoskeletal injuries and the ways in which these risk factors inform clinical practice in an effort to treat/prevent injury. Further, he is interested in the use of wearable sensors to identify changes in running behaviors when individuals are moved from the clinic/laboratory to real-world environments.


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