Gosund WiFi Smart Socket Teardown

Описание к видео Gosund WiFi Smart Socket Teardown

Yet Another Smart Socket...I picked these up on Amazon to see how they compared to my longest running WiFi outlets.

Gosund uses the ESP8285 system to connect to the Smartlife app. Then you can tether that to your home control system of choice. It works with the usual devices and is pretty similar to many of the other outlets. If they are listed at a good price, they are definitely worth the value.

I like that I can use different manufacturers with the same Smartlife ap. Gosund built a nice little outlet. I have plans for these that i might do a video on if it ends up being interesting enough. Thanks for watching.

Here is where I got them. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B...

ESP8285 datasheet PDF https://www.espressif.com/sites/defau...


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