James Pond: Underwater Agent Longplay (Amiga) [QHD]

Описание к видео James Pond: Underwater Agent Longplay (Amiga) [QHD]

Developed by Vectordean and published by Millennium in 1990

The prequel to the more widely-known James Pond II: Robocod features some great ideas and wonderful graphics, but the final few missions completely suck the fun out of the game.

The idea is to help Pond achieve a set of objectives in each mission, involving collecting items distributed around the map and taking them to another location. This is fine in principle, but Pond simply cannot maneuver quickly enough to avoid his enemies, particularly in later levels where the mad scientists show up.

There's also a game-breaking bug on mission 11 where a mermaid fails to spawn. There are multiple versions of each mission map where object placement is randomised, but you'll never be able to finish the game if you're unlucky enough to get this variant of the map.

Coding: Chris Sorrell
Graphics: Chris Sorrell
Music: Richard Joseph

0:00:00 Intro (music by Richard Joseph)
0:03:04 Mission 1 (music by Richard Joseph)
0:04:27 Mission 2 (music by Richard Joseph)
0:09:59 Mission 4 (music by Richard Joseph)
0:18:04 Mission 3 (music by Richard Joseph)
0:22:25 Mission 5 (music by Richard Joseph)
0:26:46 Mission 6 (music by Richard Joseph)
0:34:26 Mission 8 (music by Richard Joseph)
0:37:27 Mission 7 (music by Richard Joseph)
0:47:51 Mission 9 (music by Richard Joseph)
0:54:54 Mission 10 (music by Richard Joseph)
1:07:34 Mission 11 (music by Richard Joseph)
1:19:58 Mission 12 (music by Richard Joseph)
1:25:43 Ending (music by Richard Joseph)



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