Описание к видео CUBE_S [EN]

Smart Working means: Employees don't just work at their own desks, but also at shifting locations inside and outside the office: They choose the place they need. Bene divides the office into We-Places for communication and cooperation, Me-Places for focused solo work or recreation, and Workplaces for classic workstations.

Workplaces need to be intelligently planned and well-positioned in the open office.

Didi Lenz: "The transformation of office layouts takes place independently of the building's life cycle. Floor space efficiency requirements and new forms of work are currently placing new demands on the workplace. Office planners are facing the challenge of creating higher quality workplaces despite ever more compact workstations. CUBE_S is the perfect solution for this. CUBE_S offers as a modular system an optimised and cost-effective method for structuring both the room and the floorplan."

The transformation of office layouts takes place independently of the building's life cycle. Floor space efficiency requirements and new forms of work are currently placing new demands on the workplace. Office planners are facing the challenge of creating higher quality workplaces despite ever more compact workstations. CUBE_S is the perfect solution for this. CUBE_S offers as a modular system an optimised and cost-effective method for structuring both the room and the floorplan.

In the Bridge configuration, the modular cabinets create a border to the corridor and adjacent workstations. The extension of the tabletop into the cabinet's open shelf creates a protected work area with personal storage space.

One CUBE_S configuration is the Spine, in which a storage module forms the "backbone".
Workstation modules are docked to the storage unit: on the facade side for focused work, on the corridor side for communicative docking options.

In the cross configuration, workstations are shielded from each other at the side and front by the star-shaped arrangement of the modular cabinets. The compact, cockpit-like workstations offer acoustic and visual screening and enable work that requires concentration, even in lively surroundings.

Cluster layouts stand out with their high degree of shielding. Surrounded by lots of storage space, this configuration offers maximum volume for storage with high floor space efficiency, making it perfect for team-oriented face-to-face seating or concentrated back-to-back working.

Christian Horner: "CUBE_S combines desk and storage space into a modular workstation. This means you increase the amount of space available because these compact configurations can be made denser. For the individual employee it means that he has everything he needs for his daily work, such as binders and power sockets, directly within reach. Like working in a cockpit. The strength of Cubes is its modular construction. It provides many different layout possibilities and you can develop workstations that are tuned to the activity profile of the individual employee."

When it comes to compact workstations for teamwork or focused work, CUBE_S offers a broad range of configurations for the workplace area.


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