イスム S-Class毘沙門天 / S-Class Bisyamon-ten

Описание к видео イスム S-Class毘沙門天 / S-Class Bisyamon-ten

Special page : http://www.isumu.jp/info-contents/rel...

2019年5月、イスムの最上位シリーズ「S-Class」に待望の新商品が加わります! 既存ラインナップでも常にトップクラスの人気を誇る運慶作の国宝毘沙門天ですが、圧倒的なサイズ感とディテール表現の細かさが群を抜く「S-Class 毘沙門天」は、「フィギュア」「レプリカ」という概念を超越した、イスムの新しい金字塔と呼ぶべき製品です!

S-Class Bisyamon-ten
Bisyamon-ten is one of the four Heavenly Kings and is often thought of as a god of warfare. In Buddhism, he is a protector of the northern direction.
Many samurais worshipped Bisyamon-ten, particularly during war-torn eras.
Particularly eye-catching is the contrast between the dark body and the strikingly bright white eyes.
“S-Class” is a spectacular size of just over 50cm, pursuing precise details and overwhelming realistic sense of presence. It is the top-quality statue of Isumu. S stands for “Superior”.


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