Legionella after lockdown: We discuss the risks with Fernox

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On 14th May, join Head of Chemistry at Fernox, Richard Crisp, as he explains more about the risk of microbiological contamination in unused premises during lockdown, and crucially, how you can prevent it through effective water treatment.

Why you need to know about Legionella
As a result of the current lockdown restrictions many premises are closed, which means that water tanks and plumbing systems are going unused. When water is stagnant, the risk of microbiological contamination is increased – and if left untreated, can pose a significant risk to building occupants on their return.

Legionella is one form of bacterium that can contaminate stagnant water. If inhaled (usually from water droplets dispersed from outlets such as taps, showers, hot tubs and air-conditioning units), Legionella bacterium can cause Legionnaires’ disease, a serious and potentially fatal type of pneumonia.

Building owners may not be aware that their buildings are at risk – or that biological contamination can be easily treated. To help you explain this to customers and to provide you with more information about how to treat this type of contamination, Richard Crisp will be taking part in a Q&A with Installer, as part of InstallerFESTIVAL.


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