How to Rank High on Google Without Writing Content

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How to Rank High on Google Without Writing Content // As a marketer, as a business owner, as an entrepreneur, you probably don't have too much time to write content. So, how do you continue to keep getting more traffic from Google without writing content? Today I'm going to teach you how to rank high on Google without writing content.

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The first tip I have for you is to create a podcast.

But here's what people don't really know. Google now indexes podcast content. You can actually get your podcast, the audio, indexed in Google, and that can continually drive you more traffic. And they do this automatically. They transcribe your podcast.

They make it searchable in the Google Podcasts apps and, that way, when people are searching for stuff that you cover in your podcast, you can get traffic for.

Now, here's the thing, you may be thinking, oh, podcasting takes a long time. Not really, you can just riff beside your phone and talk into your iPhone.

Now that you've created a podcast, even though Google's going to transcribe and is going to rank your podcast, you may find that it won't rank you as high as you want.

So, Google has a set of guidelines and, as long as you follow the URL that's on the screen here, you can see it right down there, go to that page, it'll break down Google's guidelines for making sure that your podcast is indexable and you're getting the most searched traffic from Google indexing and ranking your podcast.

The next thing I want you to do is double down on videos. If you're already creating videos, great, good for you. If you're not, then start busting out your phone and just creating video-based content. For that reason, you should consider creating video-based content.

What we've found is, when we look at video-based content, the ones that do the best tend to be videos that are at least five minutes in length. Videos that are one or two minutes, that are super short, we don't really see them ranking Google, so you should consider avoiding creating too short content.

Now, that doesn't mean you need to create an hour worth of video content, you know, quick five, six, seven-minute videos is long enough. The next tip I have for you is get guest bloggers.

One of my last startups, Kissmetrics, we grew it to over a million visitors a month.

Now, eventually, I ended up buying back the Kissmetrics site and I merged it into, which is another story. But we got to a million visitors a month and we did that without writing our own content.

You're probably wondering, how is this possible, Neil? Well, we reached out to all the other bloggers in our space and said, "Hey, would you like to publish content on our site?" Sometimes, you have to pay them money to do so. Sometimes, they'll do it for free.

But, once you build up enough of an audience and enough people are posting, you'll get everyone to start posting for free. In other words, you'll get a ton of guest writers, you won't have to pay a dime. And, during our peak, we were getting seven to 10 new articles per week, consistently, that was over a year stretch.

The next tip I have for you is to optimize your old content. Use Search Console, look at your articles that rank on page two or three, and improve their CTR.

You can also use tools like Ubersuggest for the keywords that you rank on page one for. Take those keywords, put into Ubersuggest.

It'll give you all the long-tail variations of those keywords. Integrate those keywords within your copy. In other words, you're just adding a few keywords, the ones that are super relevant that you haven't included, and what you'll find is, if you rank for the head term, you'll naturally and easily rank for the long-tail term as well.

Next tip, create tools. You're probably wondering, "Hey, Neil, you have this tool called Ubersuggest, "it gets you a lot of traffic, "but we can't afford to do that." Well, there's a site called CodeCanyon, and CodeCanyon makes it where you can buy scripts and other easy-to-use tools. Pop them on your site.

If I look at my site on, what do you think the most popular pages are? They're all tool-related, whether it's the SEO analyzer, whether it's the backlinks tool, whether it's the A/B testing tool or even Ubersuggest. Tools are super powerful.

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